Date: 14 June 2023
“Studies and Analyses of the Institute of Finance” is a newly established academic journal dedicated to the field of social sciences. The official launch of the biannual was inaugurated on 14 June at a ceremony to appoint the Programme Council and the Editorial Board.
The first issue of the academic journal “Studies and Analyses of the Institute of Finance” is planned for the upcoming months. This national biannual academic journal will be published by the Publishing House of the Institute of Finance. It will include scholarly articles from a variety of disciplines, including economics and finance, political science and administration, management and quality sciences and legal sciences. The journal is intended to provide an interdisciplinary forum for academic debates and publication of research results on current socio-economic issues.
“We are creating an interdisciplinary journal. We want to spread knowledge about economics, finance and other related fields. Our aim is to publish peer-reviewed articles of significant merit. The Programme Council and the Editorial Board consisting of academics with outstanding achievements will ensure appropriately high level” , said Łukasz Chrobak, Director of the Institute of Finance.
The Programme Council was officially presented on 14 June. It included researchers combining the knowledge and experience of a number of academic centres.
Programme Council:
- Professor Leonard Etel, PhD,
- Professor of the Kozminski University Hanna Kuzińska, PhD
- Professor of the Poznań University of Economics and Business Kamilla Marchewka-Bartkowiak, PhD
- Professor of the University of Economics in Katowice Ewa Wanda Maruszewska, PhD
- Professor of the University of Economics and Human Sciences Piotr Szczepankowski, PhD
- Professor of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Jolanta Szołno-Koguc, PhD
“We are honoured to be able to work with such renowned academics. It is important for our Editorial Board that people with such experience and merit will be members of the Programme Council of the Academic Journal of the Institute of Finance. I am also extremely happy to have representatives from a wide range of different university centres. Your knowledge and experience will be extremely important to us, Our joint efforts will undoubtedly contribute to the development of the journal”, said Professor of the Warsaw School of Economics, Paweł Felis, PhD and editor-in-chief of “Studies and Analyses of the Institute of Finance”.
The journal will be in the form of an electronic publication operating on an open access basis and in the classic printed form.
“Our aim is to raise the profile of the newly established journal in academic centres. We look forward to the successive development of each emerging publication. With the support of experts and distinguished academics, we may become a benchmark for future research work in the field of economics and finance. Therefore, we would already like to extend a warm invitation to all academics willing to share their research results to get involved in the process of producing the first issue”, added Łukasz Chrobak.
Currently, all the necessary information on the “Studies and Analyses of the Institute of Finance” can be found in a separate tab – “Magazine” on the website of the Institute of Finance www.infin.gov.pl. A separate domain dedicated to the journal will be made available to academics and students at the end of August. All future editions will be available there, broken down by article.
Editorial Board:
- Editor-in-Chief:
Professor of the Warsaw School of Economics, Paweł Felis, PhD SGH
- Editorial Secretary:
Marta Szelichowska-Kiziniewicz
- Editorial composition:
Elżbieta Buk
Elżbieta Jędruszczak, PhD
Katarzyna Agnieszka Obłąkowska, PhD
Agnieszka Tłaczała, PhD
Paweł Umiński, PhD