Date: 2 August 2023
The latest survey presented by the Institute of Finance showed which professional groups Poles trust the most and which they trust the least.
Katarzyna Obłąkowska, PhD, and Jakub Bartak, PhD, from the Behavioural Analysis and Social Research Team of the Institute of Finance, are the authors of the Institute’s latest study. In the background information entitled “Confidence among the Polish population in private and professional settings”, you can find facts about which professional groups our citizens trust the most and which they trust the least.
“In our survey, experts asked respondents questions about which professionals they trust the most and inquired about the level of confidence in family and relatives. All this added up to a comprehensive picture of Poles’ attitudes towards various people and environments”, comments Łukasz Chrobak, Director of the Institute of Finance.
The survey showed that Poles have the greatest confidence in family and friends. An overwhelming 91% of the respondents place their trust in family members, while only 5% demonstrated a lack of trust. On the other hand, friends enjoy the trust of 85% of those surveyed, with merely 7% indicating a lack of trust. The respondents seemed far more distrustful of people they meet in everyday life – in this case, it is only 47% declaring trust and as many as 32% expressing the opposite view.
And which professions enjoy the greatest public confidence in our country? Doctors and nurses are by far the frontrunners in this respect, with 72% and 71% of respondents declaring confidence, respectively. Poles also trust firefighters (68%) as well as farmers (66%), teachers (65%) and soldiers (63%). At the other end of the scale, among the dozen or so professional groups analysed were priests (only 39% demonstrated trust and as many as 41% – distrust) and journalists (32% demonstrated trust and 43% – distrust).
We encourage you to read our entire study and the detailed findings. The material is available on the website of the Institute of Finance. Publication in Polish