Date: 13 July 2023
The latest sign-off information of the Institute of Finance outlines Poles’ views on sources of funding for strategic investments in our country.
National strategic investments bring positive changes to the country’s tangible assets, aiming at long-term strategic development goals for Poland. These objectives stem from identified key global, European and national trends shaping the future in the economic, security and social areas. These investments are intended to ensure that the population is prosperous and the economy thrives. Decisions in this area are made at the Council of Ministers level, and funding can be sourced from the state budget and other financial resources – write the authors of the background information from the Institute of Finance in its introduction.
What do Poles think about this topic? How do they think strategic investments should be financed? These were the questions asked of respondents. The background information on the subject was prepared by experts from the Institute of Finance – Katarzyna Obłąkowska, PhD, Łukasz Jabłoński, PhD, and Jakub Bartak, PhD.
“The Behavioural Analysis and Social Research Team has taken on a topic that has important implications for our economy and socio-political life. We asked Poles about their opinion on the financing of strategic investments, we checked to what extent they believe that such initiatives should be left to the state and how they should be implemented”, says Łukasz Chrobak, Director of the Institute of Finance.
We learn from the background information that in May 2023, as many as 72%t of our country’s citizens believed that the Polish state should take care of the development of strategic investments in Poland at the central level. Only 5% of respondents held the opposite view.
We encourage you to read all the information! Publication in Polish